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2024 Q1 Report

· 3 min read
Michael Wade
Founder, Wade Digital

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Wade.Digital Update: Navigating Opportunities and Innovation in Q2 2024

Greetings, Wade.Digital community,

As we transition deeper into the second quarter of 2024, it's an opportune moment to reflect on our recent activities and chart our path forward. The landscape of blockchain and AI continues to evolve, and so does our journey at Wade.Digital, amid successes and continuous learning.

Key Developments and Strategic Reflections

VACOTechSprint and Partner Collaboration: Our participation in the VACOTechSprint, despite its ups and downs, has set the stage for new opportunities. We are still finalizing follow-ups and eagerly awaiting the public announcement of the winners. On a brighter note, our collaboration with [x] has flourished. We've made significant progress on the AiFGE app, which stands out as a highlight of this period. Our discussions with [x] have opened doors to potentially take on a role within their community management or developer relations teams, fostering further collaboration.

Crypto Market and Treasury Insights: The crypto market has treated us well, with Bitcoin maintaining its rally and our strategic trades keeping us within our risk tolerance. Our treasury management strategies, including the recent conversions from USDC to USD and the clearing of less favorable positions, are reflective of our cautious yet proactive approach to finance.

Strategic Vision Reevaluation: Recently, I revisited our strategic vision for 2024. The aim is to position Wade.Digital as a leader in leveraging advanced technology for community engagement and operational excellence. However, it's clear that while technology and strategy are our strong suits, the aspect of community engagement needs reinvigoration and clearer integration into our operations.

Looking Ahead: Operational Focus and Community Building

AI and Automation: We continue to refine our AI tools, with significant strides in the AIFGE project. Our partnership with [x] may also soon yield a new role, helping us bridge community engagement and development efforts.

Content Creation and Community Outreach: In our quest to enhance community ties, we've begun creating valuable content that reflects our development processes and insights. This includes a series of YouTube videos aimed at building a long-term community, though admittedly, this is a work in progress that will evolve with us.

Financial Strategy and Sustainability: As stewards of Wade.Digital's resources, we are mindful of our financial strategies, especially in maintaining the balance between asset retention and operational liquidity. The market's volatility necessitates a conservative approach to asset management, aligning with our vision for sustainable growth.

Reflecting on Our Pillars of Strategy: The five pillars of our strategy—discovery, building, decision-making, deployment, and user engagement—remain central to our operational philosophy. Each pillar is being examined and refined to ensure it supports our broader mission of making science fiction a science fact.

In conclusion, while the paths we navigate are complex, our commitment to innovation, strategic integrity, and community engagement remains steadfast. We look forward to what the rest of 2024 holds and are excited to continue this journey with all of you.

Stay tuned for further updates as we progress through the year and refine our strategies to not just meet but exceed our expectations.

Warm regards,

Michael Wade

Founder, Wade.Digital