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Family Constitution for Wade Family


This preamble focuses on the themes of personal growth, kindness, and a growth mindset, aligning with our family's values and the journey we are on together.

As the Wade family, we come together to form this constitution, a reflection of our shared values and aspirations. At the heart of our family is a commitment to kindness, an unwavering support for one another, and a dedication to fostering an environment where empathy and compassion flourish.

We embrace a growth mindset, firmly believing in the potential of each family member to evolve, learn, and expand their horizons. Challenges are seen not as obstacles, but as stepping stones on the path to personal development and greater understanding. We celebrate both our triumphs and our trials, recognizing that each experience enriches our collective wisdom and resilience.

In this journey of life, we prioritize personal growth, understanding that it is a continuous and ever-evolving process. We encourage each other to pursue passions, develop new skills, and engage in lifelong learning. Our family values open communication, mutual respect, and the freedom to express individuality, as we believe these are the cornerstones of personal and collective advancement.

This constitution is more than a document; it is a living promise to each other. It guides us in nurturing a family dynamic that is supportive, enriching, and grounded in love and respect. Together, we embark on this journey, committed to growing as individuals and as a family, facing the future with optimism and an open heart.

Core Values

These core values serve as guiding principles for our family, reflecting a balanced focus on emotional well-being, personal development, financial stability, and social responsibility.

  • Kindness and Empathy: We commit to acting with kindness and empathy in all our interactions, both within our family and with the world at large. Understanding and compassion are the foundations of our family's strength.

  • Growth Mindset: We value the pursuit of personal and intellectual growth. Challenges are embraced as opportunities for learning and self-improvement. We encourage curiosity, creativity, and the continuous pursuit of knowledge.

  • Financial Independence: We strive for financial independence as a means to empower our choices and secure our future. This includes responsible financial planning, saving, and investing, with an emphasis on understanding the value of money and resources.

  • Entrepreneurial Spirit: We encourage entrepreneurial endeavors as a pathway to personal fulfillment and societal contribution. Innovation, risk-taking, and resilience in the face of setbacks are qualities we cultivate and admire.

  • Open Communication: Honest and open communication is central to our family life. We listen actively, speak with respect, and value each other’s opinions and feelings. This fosters a trusting and transparent family environment.

  • Respect for Individuality: Each family member is unique and valued. We support one another’s individual paths and choices, recognizing that personal fulfillment and happiness are key to a harmonious family life.

  • Community and Social Responsibility: We are committed to contributing positively to our community and society. This involves being informed, engaged, and ready to help others, recognizing our interconnectedness and responsibility to the world around us.

Family Goals

When considering short-term and long-term goals for your family constitution, it's beneficial to think about objectives that enhance your family's well-being, align with your core values, and contribute to each member's personal and collective growth. Here's a breakdown of potential goals:

When setting these goals, ensure they are SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. This framework helps in creating clear, attainable objectives. It's also important to review these goals regularly as a family, adjusting as needed to stay aligned with your evolving needs and circumstances. Each goal should reflect your family's unique values, circumstances, and aspirations, creating a balanced approach to growth, responsibility, and fulfillment.

Short-Term Goals (1-2 years)

  1. Financial Literacy: Increase the family's understanding of budgeting, saving, and investing. Perhaps set a goal for each family member to undertake a financial literacy course or workshop.

  2. Health and Wellness: Commit to regular physical activity and healthy eating habits. Set specific, measurable objectives like participating in family fitness days weekly or planning healthy meals together.

  3. Education Enhancement: Encourage each family member to pursue a new skill or hobby. This could be learning a new language, instrument, or any other skill that interests them.

  4. Quality Time: Establish regular family meetings or outings to ensure quality time is spent together, discussing life, sharing stories, or simply enjoying a shared activity.

  5. Community Service: Engage in community service or a family volunteer project to foster a sense of responsibility and connection to the community.

Long-Term Goals (3-10 years)

  1. Financial Independence: Develop and begin executing a long-term financial plan aimed at achieving financial independence. This might include investments, savings plans, or entrepreneurial ventures.

  2. Educational Achievements: Support and plan for higher education goals, whether it's college for the kids or perhaps further education or certifications for the adults.

  3. Entrepreneurial Success: If entrepreneurial endeavors are a core value, set a long-term goal to establish or significantly advance a family business or individual entrepreneurial projects.

  4. Sustainable Living: Work towards a more sustainable lifestyle, which might include reducing waste, incorporating renewable energy solutions into your home, or other environmental goals.

  5. Legacy and Estate Planning: Begin or continue to craft a plan that addresses how you'll pass on assets, values, and traditions to the next generation.

  6. Travel and Cultural Exposure: Plan for significant family trips that offer cultural, educational, or relaxation opportunities, aiming to broaden horizons and create lasting memories.

Roles and Responsibilities

These roles and responsibilities are tailored to encourage a balanced and cooperative family environment, promoting personal growth, responsibility, and teamwork. They can be adjusted as needed to suit our family's evolving dynamics and the children's development stages.


Financial Management: Oversee family finances, including budgeting, savings, and investments. Ensure financial stability and work towards long-term financial goals.

Educational Guidance: Provide educational support and resources for the children, including overseeing school activities and encouraging extracurricular learning.

Emotional Support and Guidance: Offer emotional support and guidance to each family member, fostering an environment of open communication and trust.

Health and Wellness Oversight: Ensure the family's health and wellness through regular medical check-ups, promoting healthy eating, and encouraging physical activity.

Career and Personal Development: Pursue personal and professional development, setting an example of lifelong learning and growth.

Household Management: Oversee and coordinate household tasks and maintenance, ensuring a safe and organized living environment.



Academic Responsibilities: Complete homework and school projects on time, and actively participate in school activities.

Household Chores: Assist with age-appropriate household chores, such as setting the table, light cleaning, or taking care of pets.

Personal Development: Engage in personal hobbies or interests, such as learning a musical instrument, participating in a sport, or other extracurricular activities.

Community Engagement: Participate in family community service activities or other community-based events suitable for their age.


School Engagement: Attend school regularly and complete class assignments. Participate in classroom activities and share learning experiences with the family.

Household Contributions: Help with simple household tasks like tidying up toys, helping with pets, or assisting in setting the table.

Personal Growth: Participate in age-appropriate extracurricular activities to explore interests and develop new skills.

Family Participation: Be an active participant in family meetings and outings, sharing thoughts and listening to others.

Decision-Making Process

Decision-Making Process

This process is designed to foster a democratic and respectful environment where each family member feels heard and valued. It encourages critical thinking, empathy, and collaborative problem-solving. Remember, the process can be adapted as your children grow older and as your family's dynamics evolve.

Open Discussion

  1. Issue Presentation: Any family member can bring an issue or decision to the family's attention. This should be done in a manner that clearly outlines the key points and reasons why it should be considered.

  2. Scheduled Discussions: Set a specific time for the family to discuss the issue. This ensures that discussions occur without interrupting daily routines and that all members are mentally prepared.

Inclusive Participation

  1. Equal Voice: Each family member, regardless of age, is encouraged to voice their opinions and thoughts. For younger children, simplify the issue to their level of understanding to enable meaningful participation.

  2. Active Listening: During discussions, each member practices active listening, which means focusing on the speaker, not interrupting, and considering their points before responding.

Consideration and Respect

  1. Respectful Debate: Differences in opinion are natural. Encourage respectful debate where differing opinions are discussed calmly and with an open mind.

  2. Empathy and Understanding: Try to see the issue from the perspective of other family members. This helps in understanding their concerns and reasoning.

Decision Making

  1. Consensus Building: Aim for a consensus where possible. This doesn't mean unanimous agreement but a decision that everyone can understand and support.

  2. Voting: If consensus is challenging, consider a vote. However, ensure that voting is done as a last resort and that all voices have been genuinely considered.

  3. Role of Parents: In some cases, particularly where safety or significant family values are concerned, parents might need to make the final decision. However, this should be done by explaining the reasoning to all family members.

Post-Decision Reflection

  1. Reflection and Feedback: After a decision is made, allow time for reflection and feedback. Discuss how the decision was reached and how the process can be improved.

  2. Adaptability: Be open to revisiting decisions if new information comes to light or if the decision does not yield the expected outcomes.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution within a family is crucial for maintaining a harmonious and respectful environment.

Conflict Resolution Framework

This framework is designed to address conflicts constructively, ensuring that each family member feels heard and respected. It's important to tailor the approach to the age and maturity level of your children, and to model the conflict resolution behavior you wish to see in them.

Step 1: Acknowledgment of Conflict

  • Recognize and Acknowledge: The first step in resolving any conflict is to acknowledge that it exists. Encourage family members to express when they feel there is a disagreement or issue that needs to be addressed.

Step 2: Create a Safe Space for Discussion

  • Neutral Environment: Choose a neutral and private space for discussion where everyone involved feels safe to express their thoughts and feelings without interruption.

Step 3: Understanding Each Perspective

  • Equal Opportunity to Speak: Each person involved in the conflict should have an opportunity to share their perspective without interruption. This helps in understanding all sides of the issue.
  • Active Listening: Encourage family members to practice active listening, which involves paying full attention to the speaker, acknowledging their feelings, and not preparing a response while listening.

Step 4: Identify the Root Cause

  • Focus on the Issue, Not the Person: Aim to identify the underlying issue or cause of the conflict, rather than focusing on blaming any individual.
  • Emotions and Needs: Recognize and validate the emotions involved. Often, conflicts arise from unmet needs or feelings of being misunderstood or undervalued.

Step 5: Collaborative Problem Solving

  • Brainstorm Solutions Together: Once everyone has had the chance to speak and the core issues are identified, work together to find a mutually acceptable solution.
  • Compromise and Flexibility: Encourage an attitude of compromise where each person is willing to give a little for the sake of resolving the conflict.

Step 6: Agreement and Follow-Through

  • Agree on a Solution: Once a solution is reached, make sure everyone involved agrees and understands what is expected of them moving forward.
  • Implement the Solution: Put the agreed-upon solution into action. This may involve specific actions or behavior changes.

Step 7: Review and Reflect

  • Check-in After Resolution: After some time, check in with those involved to see if the solution is working or if further adjustments are needed.
  • Learn from the Experience: Use the experience to learn and grow as a family. Reflect on what worked well in the resolution process and what could be improved for the future.

Financial Management

Financial Management: Allowance and Savings Structure

Allowance System

  • Allocation Based on Age: Each girl receives a weekly allowance equivalent to their age in dollars (e.g., a 7-year-old receives $7 per week).
  • Three-Bucket System: The allowance is divided into three categories:
    1. Spend: Money in this category can be used for personal expenses, leisure, or small purchases. Each girl has a debit card for these funds, though parents retain veto power over purchases.
    2. Save: This is a long-term, interest-accumulating savings. It represents financial security and discipline in saving for the future.
    3. Give: Funds in this category are for gifts (e.g., Christmas, birthdays) or charitable donations. This instills a sense of generosity and social responsibility.

Bitcoin Cold Storage Wallets

  • Early Introduction to Cryptocurrency: Each girl has a Bitcoin cold storage wallet, introducing them to digital currency and investment concepts.
  • Access and Utilization: The wallets are frozen until they reach the age of 13. Upon reaching this age, they can begin to engage with their wallets under guidance, learning about cryptocurrency, market dynamics, and responsible investment.
  • Investment and Entrepreneurial Ventures: Post-13, the accumulated savings and Bitcoin can be used for investment or entrepreneurial endeavors, fostering financial independence and business acumen.

Parental Guidance and Education

  • Oversight and Veto Power: Parents maintain oversight of the spendings and have veto power, ensuring that purchases are sensible and beneficial.
  • Financial Education: Regular discussions about finance, savings, investment, and the value of money are encouraged to build financial literacy from a young age.
  • Practical Experience with Investments: As the girls grow older, involve them in discussions about investment strategies, risks, and the philosophy behind long-term financial planning.

This financial management plan is designed to teach valuable lessons in money management, savings, philanthropy, and investment. It balances the immediate gratification of spending with the long-term benefits of saving and giving, while also introducing the concepts of digital currency and investment at an appropriate age. Regular family discussions about finances and guided involvement in investment decisions will further enhance their understanding and responsibility towards money.

Financial Management: Inclusion of Extracurricular Expenses

In addition to the existing allowance and savings structure, it's important to consider the financial management of extracurricular activities such as sports, drama, and Girl Scouts. These activities are vital for the girls' personal development and should be integrated into your family's financial planning.

Extracurricular Activity Budget

  • Separate Budgeting: Allocate a specific budget for extracurricular activities. This budget covers expenses like uniforms, equipment, travel for tournaments or events, registration fees, and any other related costs.
  • Transparency and Involvement: Discuss this budget openly with the girls. Let them understand the costs associated with their activities and the importance of budgeting for these interests.

Financial Responsibility and Decision-Making

  • Choice and Prioritization: If the girls express interest in multiple activities that exceed the allocated budget, involve them in the decision-making process. This can be an opportunity to learn about prioritizing and making choices based on interest and value.
  • Understanding Trade-offs: Explain the financial trade-offs involved in these decisions. For instance, choosing one activity might mean waiting to participate in another.

Encouraging Financial Contribution

  • Personal Investment: As the girls grow older, encourage them to contribute a portion of their spend money towards their extracurricular activities. This fosters a sense of ownership and responsibility towards their interests.
  • Fundraising and Earning: If they are passionate about an activity that stretches the budget, discuss ways they could contribute, such as through fundraising efforts or small jobs appropriate for their age.

Long-Term Planning

  • Anticipating Future Costs: For activities that are likely to be long-term interests, plan for future costs. For example, as they progress in sports or arts, equipment and training might become more expensive.
  • Savings for Special Opportunities: Encourage setting aside a portion of savings for special opportunities related to their activities, like a significant tournament, a special performance, or a scouting event.

Integrating extracurricular expenses into your family's financial management teaches the girls the value of money in relation to their hobbies and interests. It also provides them with a more comprehensive understanding of budgeting and financial planning, extending beyond just savings and spending.

  • Outline principles for financial management, investments, and savings, with an emphasis on supporting technological and educational endeavors. 📅 YYYY-MM-DD

Education and Personal Development

This plan is designed to align with our daughters' current academic track and future educational goals. It emphasizes a balance between achieving academic excellence and maintaining personal well-being, ensuring they are well-prepared for the challenges and opportunities of higher education.

Enhanced Education and Personal Development Plan with Specific Goals

Given the specific educational trajectory and expectations for your daughters, here's a tailored plan:

Academic Excellence in Gifted and Advanced Programs

  • Honors/AP Classes: Support and encourage the girls to excel in honors and Advanced Placement (AP) courses. Provide resources such as study guides, tutors, or online courses to help them succeed.
  • AB Honor Roll Maintenance: Set clear expectations for maintaining AB honor roll status. Regularly review their progress and offer assistance in areas where they may be struggling.

Preparation for Higher Education

  • Merit-Based Scholarship Goals: Guide them in understanding the importance of academic excellence for merit-based scholarships. This includes maintaining high grades and engaging in extracurricular activities that enhance their scholarship applications.
  • Associate Degrees in High School: Encourage and support them to take advantage of the opportunity to earn associate degrees through the local school system. This can provide a significant head start in their higher education journey.

Resource Allocation for University Education

  • In-State Public University Resources: Your wife's pledge to provide resources for an in-state public university degree sets a clear educational goal. Plan for this financially and academically, ensuring the girls are aware of this commitment and what it entails.
  • Educational Savings Plan: Consider setting up a 529 college savings plan or another educational savings account, if not already in place, to secure funds for their university education.

Balancing Academics and Personal Development

  • Time Management Skills: Teach and encourage effective time management skills to balance rigorous academic demands with personal interests and relaxation.
  • Stress Management and Self-Care: Educate them on managing stress and the importance of self-care, especially as they navigate more challenging academic workloads.

Encouraging Well-Rounded Development

  • Extracurricular Activities: While prioritizing academics, also encourage participation in extracurricular activities that align with their interests and strengths, contributing to a well-rounded profile for college applications.
  • Community Service and Leadership: Promote involvement in community service and leadership roles, which are valuable for personal growth and enhancing college applications.

Continuous Parental Support and Guidance

  • Regular Academic Check-Ins: Have frequent discussions about their school experiences, offering guidance and support in managing academic challenges.
  • Role Modeling and Encouragement: Continue to be role models for lifelong learning and resilience, celebrating their achievements and helping them learn from setbacks.

Community and Social Responsibility

Community and social responsibility are key components of a well-rounded family constitution. They encourage a sense of connection to the wider world and foster values of empathy, service, and environmental stewardship. These activities not only contribute positively to society but also enrich your family's collective experience.

Understanding and Engagement

  1. Awareness: Educate yourselves about local, national, and global issues. This can be through regular discussions, news analysis, and educational resources. Understanding the broader context of the world helps in developing a sense of empathy and responsibility.

  2. Community Involvement: Actively participate in community events and initiatives. This could include volunteering at local shelters, participating in community clean-up days, or attending town hall meetings.

Contribution and Service

  1. Volunteering: Regularly engage in volunteer work that aligns with your family's values. This could be through established organizations or informal community assistance.

  2. Charitable Giving: Allocate a portion of your family budget for donations to causes or organizations you collectively care about. Involve the children in choosing these causes to instill a sense of philanthropy.

Environmental Stewardship

  1. Sustainable Living Practices: Implement and maintain sustainable practices in your daily life, such as recycling, minimizing waste, conserving water, and using energy-efficient appliances.

  2. Education on Environmental Issues: Stay informed about environmental issues and discuss ways your family can contribute to environmental solutions.

Social Advocacy

  1. Advocacy for Causes: Encourage and support advocacy for social causes. This could range from writing letters to elected officials, participating in peaceful demonstrations, or using social media platforms to raise awareness.

  2. Informed Discussions: Hold regular family discussions on social issues, encouraging each family member to express their views and learn from each other.

Cultural Appreciation and Diversity

  1. Cultural Exposure: Actively seek opportunities for your family to learn about different cultures and lifestyles. This can be through attending cultural festivals, trying diverse cuisines, or learning about different traditions and histories.

  2. Promoting Inclusivity: Teach and practice inclusivity and respect for all people, regardless of their background, beliefs, or lifestyle. Discuss the importance of diversity and the value it brings to society.


This framework for amendments ensures that your family constitution remains a living document, reflective of your family's evolving needs and values. It encourages active participation from all family members, fostering a sense of ownership and collective responsibility in the family's governance.

Amendments to the Family Constitution

Process for Making Amendments

  1. Proposal of Amendments: Any family member can propose an amendment to the family constitution. This should be done in writing, clearly stating the proposed change and the reasons behind it.

  2. Family Discussion: Schedule a family meeting specifically for discussing the proposed amendment. This ensures that the discussion is focused and that all family members have the opportunity to voice their opinions.

  3. Consideration Period: Allow a period for consideration after the initial discussion. This gives everyone time to think about the proposal and its implications more deeply.

  4. Further Discussion and Revisions: Hold a follow-up meeting to discuss any new thoughts or concerns that may have arisen during the consideration period. Revise the proposal as necessary based on this discussion.

  5. Voting on the Amendment: Once the family reaches a consensus on the revised proposal, hold a formal vote. While consensus is ideal, a majority vote can also be used to decide.

  6. Implementation: If the amendment is approved, update the family constitution document and communicate the changes to all family members. Ensure that everyone understands the new amendment and its implications.

  7. Review Period: Set a future date to review the amendment's effectiveness. This allows the family to assess its impact and make further changes if necessary.

Guidelines for Amendments

  • Clarity and Purpose: Amendments should be clear in their wording and purpose. They should align with the overall values and goals of the family.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: The amendment process should be flexible enough to accommodate the changing needs and circumstances of the family.
  • Inclusivity: Ensure that the process is inclusive, giving all family members, regardless of age, an opportunity to participate and express their views.
  • Respect and Understanding: Throughout the process, maintain an atmosphere of respect and understanding. Encourage open and honest communication.


Ratification is a crucial step in formalizing your family constitution. It signifies a collective commitment to the values and principles your family holds dear and sets a foundation for how you will navigate and grow together as a family unit.

Ratification of the Family Constitution

Finalizing the Document

  1. Review and Compilation: Before ratification, ensure that the entire family constitution, including any amendments, is compiled into a single document. Review it for clarity and consistency.

  2. Family Meeting for Ratification: Schedule a dedicated family meeting specifically for the purpose of ratifying the constitution. This underscores the importance of the event and ensures full family participation.

Ratification Process

  1. Final Discussion: Begin the meeting with a final discussion of the constitution. Allow each family member to express their thoughts or any last-minute concerns.

  2. Addressing Concerns: If there are any concerns, discuss them thoroughly. Make any minor adjustments if necessary and agreed upon by the family.

  3. Formal Agreement: Once all members are satisfied with the document, proceed with the formal agreement. This can be done through a unanimous verbal agreement or a more ceremonial approach like signing the document.

  4. Signing Ceremony: If opting for a signing ceremony, have each family member sign the constitution. This act serves as a symbolic commitment to the values, roles, responsibilities, and guidelines outlined in the document.


  1. Document Accessibility: Keep the ratified constitution in a place accessible to all family members, perhaps in a shared digital format or a physical copy in a common area of the home.

  2. Regular Reviews: Schedule regular reviews of the constitution (e.g., annually). This ensures that it remains relevant and continues to reflect the family's values and circumstances.

  3. Celebration: Consider concluding the ratification process with a family celebration. This acknowledges the effort and thought put into the process and reinforces the constitution's importance in your family life.